jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

Giving Up at “Hello”

Giving Up at “Hello”

At times applicants lose the interview before its even over. Over the course of an interview process many applicants disqualify themselves by having negative thoughts. This is noticed by your interviewer when your voice pitch changes due to the energy or wind thats been taken from you, because you heard a phrase or a description which you think disqualifies you.

Stop !

You bring more attention to the skill set you maybe missing or lack confidence in by doing this. In addition no one wants to hire someone that is so ready to throw in the towel.

Maintain your confidence through out, dont assume, that you are disqualified. You are doing yourself a disservice. There isnt a skill in your profession that you could not master or improve on within a short period of time. Employers want people that are motivated to grow, employees that seek improvement and when hit with a road block, they have the skill set, will, and drive to figure out the solution. No boss wants to just hear about the problem, they also want to hear you have a resolution as well. Maintain this attitude.

If it is experience you lack, make up it with testing and competency results to show that you know your way around the office, or provide work product that employers can relate to. Its your world and how you make it and see it. If you dont see the light, how is your employer going to see it?

At times applicants think, my credit is bad, or that DUI a few years is holding me back, and during the course of the interview, all you think about is why they will not hire me. Instead realize that no one is perfect, and many employers will understand your situation as long as you are honest and can have a confident and justifiable reason, it could simply be, I made a mistake !

We all have, or know a family member or a good friend that has as well, it doesnt make our family or friends bad people or bad employees, they had a bad moment that they are more in the light for than others.

Stay confident, dont allow your weaknesses to hold you back, most times in life we set more road blocks for ourselves than there actually are.

Silicon Staffing

martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

Stick to the Facts

A common mistake many young applicants make in trying to cover their inexperience is referring to what they liked and concentrated on in high school. Although this level of passion is great, it actually sheds more light on your inexperience in a glaring manner than if you concentrated on your education achievements and even your brief work history in as much detail as possible. This is much more relevant to the position you are interviewing for unless that position is a high school teacher !

On the flip side many older candidates refer to the year they graduated or “in 1985 when I worked for IBM”, as a reference point, many times this ages you and in a career and job environment which seeks younger talent and associates it with fresh and new ideas, you maybe doing your self a dis-service. Now of course if the point of reference is something specific which may highlight a current need, that maybe okay, but think, how much has changed since 1985 ! Would you want to leave a branding of an outdated candidate?

Remember the interview maybe unique to you, but to the interviewer, you maybe interview 26 and in hindsight your branding may set you apart in an ultra competitive environment.

Do yourself a favor and stick to the facts, not to the dates, you dont have to say that you started working for IBM in 1985, you can simply say, “I initial gained the experience when I worked with IBM, it was a rewarding experience.”

This allows you to elaborate on your resume without aging you and most employers will be more interested in what you learned, gained and are able to transmit back than when it was. If your experience is truly relevant then you would be able to relate the experiences and make it a home run for you, if you are not able to make the experience you gained there relevant in your conversation or in your mind, then it is random conversation which shift the focus of the interview !


viernes, 20 de marzo de 2015

Blogger Outreach

In an effort to reach more companies and be able to communicate more effectively with our applicants we will be sharing insight that we hope will be able to obtain company and personal goals.

We believe in efficiency and have positioned our services to deliver precise and targeted results to maximize growth and outreach. We hope that using formats such as Blogger will allow us to make the connection and understanding of employee and employer easier and more effective.

Learn More about us at www.siliconstaffing.co and visit us here again on Blogger for weekly insight.