martes, 30 de junio de 2020

Digital Nomads

2020 was the year the world as we knew it, changed. With Covid-19 came a different way of living and working. Prior to the crisis, 1 out of 50 Americans worked from home but now 1 out of 3 people are working from home, turning the office into an expensive artifact.

Prior to the Industrial age, many worked from home, in a time when local communities fueled life, but as the Industrial age came, and large industrial complex began to mass produce everything we had ever known at a pace never seen before, the idea of working as a collective towards the same common goal, under the same roof was ideal for a manufacturing based economy.

As the American economy has changed and manufacturing and the industrial revolution has jumped continents, many businesses remained stubborn in adapting their work environments to a more robust modern way of doing business and managing employees. With the coronavirus we see the dinosaurs models struggle because of high vulnerability to tangible expenses.

Cities have become too expensive to live in, with too much traffic, too much stress that smaller communities can alleviate. With the power of the internet and services in larger cities becoming common in smaller communities, the city orientated type of living is no longer necessary in a society that has passed the industrial era. We are at a place, where we can live in a community where we know were our grain comes from and where our milk comes from without depending on mass production of consumer goods, without large developing cities, these mass farming complexes are less necessary.

A majority of the ‘good jobs’, the high paying jobs, are knowledge jobs and these positions are vidal to smaller communities as each knowledge job supports 5 none knowledge jobs, jobs such as baristas, hair stylists, dry cleaners, yoga teacher, etc. By expanding the location of these individuals, companies can expand the reach of the overall economy shifted to the roots of the type of economy that made the US, small businesses. Companies can also save money, as employees move further from expensive real estate, their financial needs are less and their quality of life is more, leading to happier, more productive cheaper employees!

The cost of the office space per employee is estimated to be about $10,000 annually, which was a need when workers were located in high density areas were traditionally people produce at a faster rate, take for example the lifestyle New Yorkers versus the relaxed atmosphere of Oregon. But we are no longer living in the era of data entry, as one self titled, ‘Digital Nomad’ who travels the world yet maintains a 9 to 5 working online puts it, “I dont need much to be productive, just connect me to Wifi.”

Silicon Staffing

1202 Kifer Rd Sunnyvale, California 94086 || (866) 99STAFF || Fax 866 997-8233

jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

Career Growth, We All Want It !

Career Growth depends on your personal and professional growth.

As the work environment changes, more and more companies will look to evaluate candidates beyond a meet and greet and your standard resume.

Beyond YouTube, there are Ted Talks that tackle a variety of issues, Coursera which allows you to step into classrooms from some of the best schools in the country.The Khan Academy which is highly endorsed by Bill Gates. Grovo which allows continuing education online and at your pace.

Treehouse allows users to learn programming code through a unique system and Smarterer which we here use with our Virtual Assistants which allows testing and training in a variety of areas from Customer Service, to Excel, Coding, and Marketing Strategies.

Many similar sites, including Smarterer not only test and train users but allow users to build an online profile of activity and progress which can be shared with prospective employers. In today's efficiency minded world, employers want the best person for the job.

If the companies open position is Excel heavy they are more likely to hire a candidate that has great Excel test scores as well as great references and great work history. Bottom line, its a fast changing, highly competitive environment and we all must try to give ourselves that little edge that it takes. For almost all of us, there is a source that can enhance our careers.

You will see this across the board from Indeed, to LinkedIn, Glassdoor or Monster and others that specific niche training, testing, and tutorials have become a much larger resume, job search process. Its becoming less of who you know, what having analytics to show your value, specially in fields where the work is not subjective and definitive, 2 plus 2 is always 4 !

Silicon Staffing

1202 Kifer Rd Sunnyvale, California 94086 || (866) 99STAFF || Fax 866 997-8233

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

Phone Interview Etiquette Is More Essential Than Ever Before

Phone Interview Etiquette
A critical element of the employment process.

The world moved fast already and to some even already had a disconnect technology wasnt able to mend, but now, with Covid-19 punctuating our lives, we have moved to a no touch, full distant and remote based world, faster than anyone ever anticipated.

So it is even clearly now more important to brush up on todays tech oriented etiquette, which seems like a fancy word to describe your presentation.

More often than not, job interviews will begin with an email and a phone interview. We have discussed writing effective professional attention grabbing emails, (Strong, to the point, clear, with a purpose) but the next step is the phone interview, and in today Coronavirus driven atmosphere your phone interview maybe your life line.

After 20 years of conducting phone presentations, phone sales, and phone interviews of clients and job candidates, I can tell you one thing that will proceed all advice, and that is your attitude. Your attitude towards the interviewer, the interview itself and most importantly taking on the attitude, the persona and the command of the real you with confidence.

Our faces are made up of almost 50 muscle structures, a simple smile, changes the tones in your voice, the calm or the command of your nerves, effects the tone and perception of your voice and delivery.

Who are you? Be that, with strengths and pride, speak up your successes but dont shy from failures, its what makes us, what builds us, its how we recover. We may not all have not story, yours maybe different but own it. The attitude in which you take towards yourself and the interview process is recognized by seasoned interviewers.

A Few Keys:

-Be somewhere where you are comfortable without distractions.
-Our mind and bodies have something referred to as muscle memory; your physical sitting position or standing position can alter your voice and attitude.
-Hit the Switch; Be the Part; Dress It, Talk it, Walk it, even literally if not metaphorical.

Silicon Staffing

1202 Kifer Rd Sunnyvale, California 94086 || (866) 99STAFF || Fax 866 997-8233

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2020