jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

Career Growth, We All Want It !

Career Growth depends on your personal and professional growth.

As the work environment changes, more and more companies will look to evaluate candidates beyond a meet and greet and your standard resume.

Beyond YouTube, there are Ted Talks that tackle a variety of issues, Coursera which allows you to step into classrooms from some of the best schools in the country.The Khan Academy which is highly endorsed by Bill Gates. Grovo which allows continuing education online and at your pace.

Treehouse allows users to learn programming code through a unique system and Smarterer which we here use with our Virtual Assistants which allows testing and training in a variety of areas from Customer Service, to Excel, Coding, and Marketing Strategies.

Many similar sites, including Smarterer not only test and train users but allow users to build an online profile of activity and progress which can be shared with prospective employers. In today's efficiency minded world, employers want the best person for the job.

If the companies open position is Excel heavy they are more likely to hire a candidate that has great Excel test scores as well as great references and great work history. Bottom line, its a fast changing, highly competitive environment and we all must try to give ourselves that little edge that it takes. For almost all of us, there is a source that can enhance our careers.

You will see this across the board from Indeed, to LinkedIn, Glassdoor or Monster and others that specific niche training, testing, and tutorials have become a much larger resume, job search process. Its becoming less of who you know, what having analytics to show your value, specially in fields where the work is not subjective and definitive, 2 plus 2 is always 4 !

Silicon Staffing

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