martes, 25 de septiembre de 2018

Silicon Staffing: Equality In The Workplace

Silicon Staffing: Equality In The Workplace

Gender pay gaps persist around the globe, including in the US. According to info the gender pay gap ranges from 3% to 51% with an average of 17 percent. Highlights from the United States - Equality in pay has increased since nineteen seventy nine in the USA when about 62 percent was earned as much by women. More jobs were lost by men than women in the downturn, but experienced a recovery that was steadier. One in five females are working part time while less than one in ten women do so because they can't find full time work. Despite these improvements, the unemployment rate for females is lower than mens and they're likely to be one of the long term unemployed. 

Females are 50 percent more prone to work in the public sector. Women surpass men on schooling attainment among those used aged 25 and over: 37.1% of girls hold at least a bachelors level in contrast to 34.9% for men. Where are Women Employed? There were 53 percent of these women and roughly 65 million women in the work force were concentrated in three industries health and education providers, transport, trade and utilities and authorities. Women underrepresented others and were overrepresented in businesses. For example, in 2010, girls represented 79 percent of the health and social providers work and 68.6% of the instruction services workforce. 

Nevertheless, women represented only 43.2 percent of their professional, scientific and technical providers sector and 8.9 percent of the construction sector. Low Wage Households - The Government Accountability Office, in a latest report shows that in 2010 girls constituted 59 percent of the low wages workforce. Less educated girls were more likely than less educated guys to work part time on average, 29 percent of females and 15 percent of guys worked part time in 2010. 

In addition, in accordance with The GAO report, single woman families had their lowest total annual income of all families, averaging about $27, 000.50 seven percent of the household income came from their personal wage and salary earnings. The remaining $12, 000 came from other sources, like government benefits along with other household members earnings. Without income from all of these other sources, their low wage single mother families will be well beneath the poverty level of $22, 314 for a family of four. Females and Corporations - with regards to women in leadership positions, in the year 2009 just 24 percent of CEOs from the United States were females plus they earned 74.5 percent just as much as male CEOs. The Harvard University Business School, in conjunction with Catalyst, lately Released a research report concerning the level of Corporate Social Responsibility Of Fortune 500 businesses with respect to the number of women on the businesses Boards of Directors and serving as Corporate Officers.

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Equality in the Workplace

Silicon Staffing
Premier Staffing Agency

1202 Kifer Road

Sunnyvale, CA 94086

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