martes, 25 de septiembre de 2018

Silicon Staffing helps determine Strategic Workforce Planning

Silicon Staffing helps determine Strategic Workforce Planning

Ask five people what work force planning is and you will get five distinct answers. Whilst theres an increasing demand for workforce preparation on the market, there seems to be clarity what's required to deliver it, or on what it is. How can this be the situation when the organization is important to solving business challenges and providing direction? 

Ive posed this question and it seems the answer is clear management teams are failing to extract customer value from qualitative info and their functioning models. What they frequently do not realize is that organization realignment to the strategy isn't an one off event. 

And underlying this entire process? 
Strategic workforce planning. 

There are 3 levels, each with a distinct function, time horizon and strategy. 

Tactical - Scheduling for the following day, week or month, e.g. Staff rostering and project allocation. 

Operational - budgeting and Workforce sizing, projecting forward with seasonality and scaling factors for quarters, the coming months or year. That is a continuous outlook, frequently in monthly steps.

Strategic - Discovering the nature of the work force multiple years based on a selection of drivers and influences. Any step changes such as change in geographies automation products and new or competition strategic direction change the work profile. 

This means the workforce kind, size and form may need to change. Strategic workforce planning offers a snapshot of the organization since it'll need to be for business efficacy and should inform all strategic and performance action behind it. 

The process of tactical workforce planning is frequently as valuable as the outcome. By contemplating business drivers and achieving executive alignment on priorities, you can't only concentrate on the most crucial opportunities and threats, but additionally facilitate a common business roadmap. 

This roadmap is invaluable, enabling HR and this company to align the organization to deliver the strategic management. Most value comes out of focusing on the labour segments which may have most impact on the company in the future, including those which will change the most or are especially specialised. 

The key isn't to try to cover everything. Strategic labour preparation is much more of a qualitative than a quantitative exercise. Different approaches can be taken to various kinds of role. Through such high level action analysis one can determine what job will change, what should be increased, what will be automated or should be replaced or dropped. 

This also provides an opportunity into clarify and de duplicate responsibilities. For functions with rare skills one might wish into consider how one grows, values and retains those skills. For roles that do not change much in nature, but might change in volume consider a much more arithmetical scaling strategy. We see pockets of tactical workforce planning excellence in the market, but less scalability or repeatability.

Silicon Staffing can make it easy for you. Start Here
The Strategic Human Resources Planning Process

Silicon Staffing
Premier Staffing Agency

1202 Kifer Road
Sunnyvale, CA 94086

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